
Blockchain Resources

Welcome to the “Down the Rabbit Hole” club!

This is the first thing you were told when you shared your interest in Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain topics.

An allusion to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland,  to go “down the rabbit hole” is to enter a period of chaos or confusion.

Trying to understand what the “geek”  talked about is hard enough. Trying to access reading materials, to sort out the pieces in the puzzle in one place is like trying to “finding a needle in a haystack”.

Hopefully, you don’t have to do all the “hardwork” search to be in the “swing of things” of the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain World.


What Is Blockchain?



This is my initial compilation of some crypto resources, blogs, influencers, news portals and documentaries I stumbled across when I went down the rabbit hole. New items will be added to list if I find it will help blockchain enthusiasts shorten the learning curve and bring up to speed, to be a collaborator in Blockchain Buzz rather than a learner of stuff.

[Thanks to Alexander Lange @EarlybirdVC,  my collection started from an idea and some extracts from his listing on “Selected Resources On Bitcoin, Blockchain Decentralization”]


Some fundamentals

White paper: Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system — by Satoshi Nakamoto

Article: Bitcoin and the separation of money and state — by Erik Voorhees

Article: Why blockchain matters — by Reid Hoffman

Article: The meaning of decentralization — by Vitalik Buterin

Article: Money, Blockchains and social scalability — by Nick Szabo

Article: How digital currency will change the world — by Brian Armstrong

Articles: Blockchain 101


Blockchains & Its Applications

Article: A gentle introduction to blockchain technology — Antony Lewis

Article: The Blockchain Application Stack — by Joel Monegro

Article: Blockchain investments and new problem asset for conventional VCs — by Jake Brukhman

Article: A tactical guide to investing in blockchain assets — by Nick Tomaino

Article: The future is a decentralized internet — by Olaf Carlson-Wee

Article: A decentralized web would give power back to the people online — by Metthew Hotgson


Cryptocurrencies & Systems

Article: A gentle introduction to Bitcoin — Antony Lewis

Article: Cryptoeconomics 101 — by Nick Tomaino

Infographic: Bitcoin’s network in one infographic


Crypto Markets & Trading

Article: Projecting the price of Bitcoin — by Charles Hugh Smith

Article: Crypto Asset valuation methodologies — by Chris Burniske (Chris is about to publish a book soon

Monitoring Ethereum Blockchain: and

Monitoring Bitcoin Blockchain:

360° overview of crypto assets:

Crypto market caps: and and


Blogs & podcasts


Online Courses

Coursera: Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies.

The course’s coding assignments require a profound understanding of Java. Youtube — Lecture 1: Intro to crypto and crypto currencies.

Edx Blockchain for Business – An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies

Chapter 1: Discovering Blockchain Technologies